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Brief Overview of Awake Revival Movement:

Awake Revival Crusades and Conferences is a divine movement dedicated to ushering in revival, strengthening the body of Christ, and preparing brides for the great return of Christ. Rooted in the timeless words of Isaiah 60:1-2, we are called to "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you."

The Awake Revival movement is a global movement intending to spring up the clean, pure, and living waters of revival to the church which is the body of Christ. The church today is like a stream of dirty water that has destructed her original identity by removing their eyes from truth and speak what people’s itching ears want to hear. The Church is trying to be what it is not, conforming to worldly/government structures of ownership, inheritance and headship within the very church blurring the authority of Christ as the head of the Church. Deviating from what God had originally designed the body of Christ to be . The church being an organization instead of being an Organism (living body). The church should realize she is one irrespective of class, tribe, state, nation, race etc. We are different parts but one body, even when we are assigned to different locations.

In this movement. We are focusing on awakening the Church first. Because when the church is awake. Then the souls Will be harvested. Those entrusted as church leaders: Apostles, evangelists, prophets, pastors and teachers of the word must wake up first and turn to God in truth, because when the church turns to God so will the world turn to Him. The church needs not to fight one another but must realize that she is one body in Christ Jesus and then face the assignment which Christ left behind. It is all clear that all signs for Jesus’ return are manifested so Jesus is about to come back for the church. But what then will the sleeping church do in the time of his coming. it will not be far from the parable of the foolish and wise virgins.

If you are called to be a pastor, we need not to own the believers but accept that we are only servants called to do our part but allow God to move in the midst of his people. We must awake as an organism in a movement which is the body of Christ in Unity and oneness in Spirit and there will be a mighty move of the Holy Spirit, that will cause the world to come by themselves and surrender to Christ because the world believes by what they see.

Many waves have come in the form of Crusades which in other words are personalized. Where organizers come for themselves and after words nothing seems to have changed to the entire body of Christ in that specific area rather the common lifestyle of divisions and battles continues living the community asking questions whether the church is heading somewhere or not. Many among Christians get wounded in the battle of leaders within the body of Christ hence living them with regrets within and make decision of not joining any ministry. And the shepherds are too big and glorified to go and look for the one lost among the hundred sheep. So, the majority of believers who don’t service/fellowship together with the brethren are many compared to those who attend services and those ones that don’t attend services are comfortably seated at home without any guilt of joining any gathering of believers for growth in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. These are the very examples of nonbelievers. The enemy has continually rubbed the gospel from their minds and filled their minds with ungodliness. Our crusades should therefore bear fruit and become a center of unity among leaders and believers and set an example to the world rather than fighting one another as many have resorted to work in division.

Let me give an example of any locality around the world, where pastors are working within the same neighborhood but are busy fighting one another, and another one’s fall is another’s celebration and another’s raising is another one’s mourning. What does this show? It is the state of the church as earlier mentioned. A dirty stream of water mounting disunity and confusion within the body of Christ, the church. Again, I say we need to realize that we are one. No one owns Jesus Christ more than another person; he is Christ for all. A brother could be weak and not knowledgeable, but the same Christ in you must extend his hand to the raising of another supporting one another and working with one another in submission to one another in Christ Jesus knowing that every one of us has a part to play in the presenting of complete and fully mature Christians to Jesus. So, if you are a teacher of the word in another ministry “A”, you can go to ministry “B” and still teach the word of God inter-working for the edification of the body of Christ. The prophet can be lifted by a teacher, and so is a teacher to a prophet. This makes the church complete. Hence working with one another, submitting to one another, and lifting of one another, as we wait for the second coming of Jesus Christ who is our final judge of all humanity, both living and dead.

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