Awake-revival Crusades & Conferences
Testimonials from Venezuela
November 2024
The song God gave us on this journey
God is promising to move in Tororo, Soroti, Venezuela.
In this awakening,we are preparing the church which is the bride to meet with Christ when he appears from the clouds so sooner than we think.
Let's wake up as we run to the race of awakening as many as possible.
Gathering spirit and truth worshipers for Him.
John 4:23.
But the hour is coming and has now come.when true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and in truth.for the father is seeking as such to worship him.
Also activation of the new generation movement for Christ Jesus unto the dispensation of the Gospel.establishing rightful foundation of a true church of Christ Jesus.
Eradicating the error in the church of Today that appears to be a shoe polish unto the illiterate growing young ministers (Spiritual Leprosy).
Isaiah 60:1-2 (NIV)
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you.
Isaiah begins by saying rise up! Awake and see,the darkness covers the Earth and thick darkness over people.
We need to wake up and see. for if we don't see it,there will be no way the church will escape this. A lot will go wrong in the church.
And the bitter truth is that, there will be no revival where men have not woken up.
It's time to come out of the four Conners of our church buildings to go out and awake men and unite together as one body of Christ that are covering up the earth with a voice of Revival.
Everybody is needed in this.you need to be part.don't be left out.Jesus is counting and registering us.
Revival means restoration of the things that were lost.
Where are the true miracles?
Where are true worshipers
Where is the true worship without pretense?
Where are the lovers of God?
Where are the men that are mourning for righteousness?
Where are men that are committed to Godly practices?
People used to fast without swallowing saliver,now days, people fast with Juice in their bags,ball gum,etc.
Checking in to the fashions of ministry and dress cord of people in church including ministers.
Look at the divitions of the church entirely around the world.
God is calling the church again to go back to the truth.
But only if we can awake and see this can we rise to the great hunger of restoration.
Let me end here for now.
John and Nicole van den Hoek
Lucky Vessel Joshua